After reading our previous Copy Buffett Scam Review, we have been flooded with even more complaints about Jeremy Fin and this fake Auto-Trader software (AKA the Copy Warren Buffett App). Particularly disturbing is the way it is being aggressively promoted by less-than-scrupulous affiliates. Our investigation and review has attracted the attention of an angry mob of scammed day-traders who have a belly full of complaints and are just looking for an avenue to vent their frustration with this fraudulent, misleading, and deceitful app.
Official Scam Site:
Enough is Enough!
Have you have heard the expression “Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?” It means people are looking for the truth, and sooner or later it will surface and when it does some advertisers will need to do some serious thinking about what type of system they want to promote and is it worth it in the long run.
Recap of the Proof of Scam
As you can see below the actors are making a false representation of a reality which of course does not exist. Kristy Perry is selling cameras online and her “other” name is Jane Ratliff. Floyd Lucas is selling second-hand clothes at an online store called apkpure (See real proof below). I could go on but I think people get the picture and the use of fake testimonials to promote a cheap product is clearly evident. To complicate things even more, Berkshire Hathaway has not mentioned anything about this software, and they are required to do so by law since they are a publicly traded company.
Copy Buffet Software Review
This software is a revised and updated version of the Google Trader App. At some point I will conduct an extensive investigation of that app as well so our viewers can see the conclusions and decide for themselves if its is legit or not. If you are under the illusion that this app will get you ITM exceeding 90% you have not fathomed the depth of this deception yet. There is absolutely nothing genuine, honest, truthful, or factual about this facade. It is designed to take inferior positions and cause you to lose your money very quickly. You can not profit in options trading using this piece of rehashed code, so you forget about charting tools, and technical or market analysis. Scalping, trading the news, candlestick analysis, and moving averages are useless once you have been lured in, and your primary concern needs to be how to get out of this predicament as fast as you can with minimal damage or loss.
How to Perpetuate the Lie?
The use of fake demo accounts is becoming prevalent among savvy marketers looking to get paid for referrals. Coupled with fake testimonials and an effective presentation it’s becoming extremely difficult to spot the fake, so at least with this rogue software I have done the work for you by collecting the comments of what real traders have to say and packaging it for you in a way which can’t be ignored or misinterpreted.
Real Results or Phony Stats?
As you can see above you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to do a fake review, testimonial, or even video blog. Effective video marketing skills can get you very good results, however in the end the truth always prevails because eventually people will complain about something that doesn’t work. When that happens things start to get messy and in many cases where people lose their pensions or savings our staff begins to see various forms of depression and anxiety attacks exhibited by the victims, so we are seriously thinking about using the assistance of a Clinical Psychologist to help out in extreme cases.
Are You Starting to Doubt Yourself?
Of course, I would start doubting myself as well if I saw a picture painted pink but in reality it turns out to be an evil scam and deception. The only way to fight back is comment on blogs and websites like this, tell your story in details, and provide evidence of scam. That is the best and most effective tool you have, and I encourage you to do so right here.
A Network of Deception?
Once you start seeing uniformity of content instead of diversity take a step back and ask yourself how is this possible. People talk, complain, share information, and like to say how they feel. It’s completely normal to see a negative comment or review about a legit tool because there will always be someone who didn’t follow the rules or put all money on one trade and lost. However, if you start seeing a trend start re-evaluating your position and look for other alternatives.
Anatomy of a Serial Loser
I have people coming to me and saying, hey Pat “I have tried 6 systems with different brokers and I’m looking for an honest recommendation about a solid trading tool that really works because I lost a lot of money”. If this something you have experienced then you are not learning from your mistakes and that is the most troubling issue here. If you want to make a real change contact us and our staff will help you out.
What Real Traders Are Saying
These are actual day-traders giving you documented proof of a scam. If you still believe the Copy Buffet Software is for real after reading this than you need to take a good look in the mirror and start asking yourself if binary options trading is really for you.
Similar Scams
These would include Deepnet Trading, Profits Unlimited, Altronix App, Qubits Mega Profits, Millionaires Blue Print, Push Money App, Tauribot, Centument, Citidel Ltd, Trade Fusion, Zulander Hack, Insured Profits, The Free Money System by Walter Green, Binary Matrix pro, Binary App 810, German Banker Secret, and Stark Trading.
Signals, Auto-traders, or Trade Copiers?
By now you are starting to ask yourself if it is even possible to make money trading binary options online. The truth is that despite everything there are still one or two systems that will provide you with consistent results. The Binary Profit Method is fully endorsed by this website due to three main reasons. First, the broker selection process is transparent, secondly, customer service is stellar, thirdly, the software is handcrafted and there is nothing like it out there. When it comes to performance the numbers are in the 80’s on ROI and ITM ratio. If you are in the market for an Autotrader please read our Virtnext Review.
The Copy Buffett App and Software is a huge SCAM and represents everything which is bad in binary options trading. It’s reckless trademark infringement and the people behind it as well as everyone associated with it can be held liable. Furthermore, if you have used this fraudulent system you may be asked to make an appearance at a court of law as a witness for the prosecution, so if you want to avoid this unnecessary headache just run away from this system. If you have downloaded anything make sure to delete if from your computer and hard drive and install a good anti-virus program. As always don’t forget to join our Facebook page and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel.