Binary Scam Alerts is relieved to finally review what seems to be this year’s most pleasant surprise for trading enthusiasts. The SCAM-FREE version of the NEO2 software, Auto-trader and App as well as Dr. Jack Piers PHD, owner and founder. Our team of researchers has investigated this groundbreaking software and found it to be not only legit, but also a consistent performer with ITM ratios of 85% as actually advertised. With all the scam systems available these days, it was extremely refreshing to find one we can honestly say is a good product. We based our findings according to a very strict set of guidelines designed to prod at and tear down anything which may be remotely fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive to innocent day traders wanting to profit online from binary options trading.
Official Site: NEO2.CO
NEO2 Official Scam Review
This automated trading software designed by Dr Jack Piers PHD and Amit Gupta is based on weather forecasting technology. Apparently the good Doctor stumbled on a new kind of trading algorithm that is able to factor in climate changes with almost no latency. In layman’s terms it means that there is almost no lag or delay in receiving the signals and then presenting it to the trader in a clear and legible manner. However, when it comes to automated trading this has less significance and is based more on what happens behind the scenes as opposed to what is visible to the naked eye.
Since this writer is not a rocket scientist or a leading silicone valley engineer, there is no way for me to understand how the information is transmitted via satellite communication, or alternatively how solar lunar activity influences commodities such as wheat, oil, gold, or sugar. I can however understand numbers and proven results, and at the end of the day that is what each of us is looking for, in all honesty we could care less about how it is achieved as long as performance is up to par.
Our staff was able to get into the kickstarter early bird focus group for early adopters, and after getting a peak sneak into the actual trading dashboard, we understood immediately this auto-trader was something else. Originally the system took in a few losses but we received an email telling us this is normal behavior and then the win ratio would steadily increase to the advertised rate. We were shocked to actually get a timely response, and overwhelmed when the wins actually occurred. On the operational side there is a button called Neo2 Sync which is connected to something called a “solar tracker”, again this seemed a bit outlandish at the time but we just continued out of pure curiosity. We are extremely skeptical when it comes to automated trading in binary options, and have received countless complaints. Our staff also noticed what Mr. Michael Freeman was saying and also tried to factor these things in as well.
Everything taken into account, we still have to look at the trading basics which is the correct entry signals, timely execution, clarity in presentation, transparency in brokers, and ability to alternate from automated to manual trading at a click of a button. We found all of these present with this software and when we tried to mix strategies using candlesticks charts and bolinger bands, we found out that the performance level was decreasing. This was a clear indication for us that the software is performing as expected, so that would be something we would recommend you avoid.
Is it Free?
Well, as clearly mentioned you need to fund a trading account through the software with at least $250 in order to use it. Mr Gupta did a $500 deposit, which is recommended for money management and capital control purposes.
Scams to Avoid:
Our team is constantly monitoring the internet for binary options investment scams and these are just some of the latest we recommend you avoid at all costs: Amissio Formula, Cloud Trader, Trianasoft, Trade Tracker Pro, the Binary Interceptor, Quantum Income Machine, The Free Money System with Walter Green, Insured Profits with Dave and Ginny, Lie Detector Millionaire, Free Money Guaranteed, and Alive in 5.
Additional Recommended Software
If you have already tried the NEO2 software and are looking for additional avenues of investing in the form of signals, copiers, and bots, feel free to check out our recommended software section.
Review Conclusions and Recommendations
Binary Scam Alerts is wholeheartedly giving two thumbs up to the NEO2 software, App, and Auto-trader, as well as the NEO2 Management team comprising of Dr. Jack Piers, Amit Gupta, and William Van loon. On a side-note, it’s not every day we see such a powerful team of specialists step up and stake their professional reputation on something which can backfire and create an incredible amount of backlash. We salute them on their efforts to develop a genuine, sincere, and honest trading app since we know how difficult this endeavor really is. Still, despite everything we had to make sure this system is legit and not some kind of special case, so we have taken exceptional measures and received a signed letter of compliance from these people which is currently locked and sealed somewhere safe. We remain steadfast in our mandate to uncover scams and expose fake apps, and will continue to do so as a service to our members and viewers. As always, feel free to contact us through our Facebook group or YouTube Channel and get informed.